Hidradenitis Suppurativa

If the internet has led you to this page, it is obvious that you are seeking answers for what can be a painful, disfiguring and embarrassing condition. Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is condition that affects the skin of the armpits, groin and buttocks causing lumps, abscesses, blackheads and sinus tracts after the age of puberty. These lesions are painful, frequently bleed and discharge pus. There is a spectrum of illness, with some people suffering from only a few spots in a one location, whilst others can have severe and widespread disease.

The exact cause of HS is unknown but it has several associations including obesity, smoking, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, acne and poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. It must be stressed that this is not considered an infectious condition and it cannot be transmitted elsewhere on the body or to another person. Given the areas in which it can occur, HS can cause significant levels of distress impacting on a person’s social and sexual relationships, schooling or career advancement. This can lead to significant depression or anxiety. As scars can develop in severe disease, this condition can also cause functional issues with the development of contractures that limit joint movement or can narrow genital openings. Skin cancer can also develop within non-healing HS wounds and they should be regularly monitored by a GP or dermatologist.

Fortunately, there are a number of treatment options available for HS including topical and oral medications, newer immune-modulatory injections, surgery, laser and light therapy. The dermatologists operating from the Skin Centre understand the impact this disease can have on their patients lives.

Don’t suffer alone, contact The Skin Centre today to discuss your concerns with your practitioner by calling (07) 5597 7170 or email reception@skincentre.com.au

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