Moles (Naevi)

Moles are common growth that can occur anywhere on the body. They have a variety of appearances and can be flesh coloured, brown or black, flat, raised, soft or firm. They are mostly symmetrical. Their development is influenced by both genetics and sun exposure. Childhood and adolescence is a common time for them to appear, with the average Australian child developing 50 moles around this period. Some people may develop up to 100. Most moles are benign but if they become symptomatic or are changing in terms of size, colour, symmetry or elevation, then they should be checked to exclude skin cancer. Particularly in those at higher risk because of a history of significant sun exposure, personal or family history of melanoma or multiple dysplastic naevi. Once a mole has been checked and cleared, nothing further has to be done. However, there are some patients who may want these removed for aesthetic reasons. This is generally achieved surgically replacing the lesion for a small scar. The practitioners we support discourage the indiscriminate removal of these lesions using laser as these cannot be checked under the microscope.

If you’d like to discuss your options with your practitioner for mole removal or for a full skin examination, email or call (07) 5597 7170

The Skin Centre