Male Cosmetic Dermatology

Gender no longer applies when it comes to an interest in cosmetic dermatology. Everyone wants to look their best and with the variety of options available these days there is something for everyone. Many men enjoy leisure activities in the sun including tennis, golf, rugby and sailing, and as the ageing process sets in, the sun exposure begins to show. Physical resurfacing, laser and light therapies are perfect for erasing these tell tale signs of getting older. Horizontal and vertical lines on our forehead can make us look unnaturally tired or angry and well addressed with wrinkle relaxing injections. A square jaw has long been a sign synonymous with masculinity and can be achieved through the use of dermal fillers. Or maybe you’re after something simpler like a chemical peel to freshen and restore a textured skin.

Whatever your needs, the practitioners consulting from The Skin Centre and The Skin Centre Derma Spa welcome everyone so make an appointment to see them today by emailing or calling (07) 5597 7170.

The Skin Centre