Infection (Warts, Cold Sores, Molluscum, Fungal infection including Tinea & Scabies)

Infection is a major branch of dermatology with bacteria, viruses, fungal, yeast and parasitic infections and infestations all capable of invading the skin, hair and nails. The more common infectious diseases that the practitioners consulting from The Skin Centre include warts, molluscum, cold sores, fungal skin and nail infections, oral and genital thrush and scabies. Sometimes the process of diagnosis requires many investigations to rule out other diseases that can present in a similar fashion. Once diagnosed, most of these conditions can be adequately treated in the community.

So if you have concerns regarding the eruptions above, make an appointment to see your practitioner at The Skin Centre today. Bookings can be made by calling Ph: (07) 5597 7170 or emailing

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