Urticaria and Hives

Urticaria (Wheals and Hives) is a common skin rash that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. This rash which arises and then disappears quickly is intensely itchy and shifts around the body. It is sometimes accompanied by swelling of the lips or eyes, and rarely the airway (anaphylaxis). If it lasts for longer than a day, leaves a bruise like mark or is associated with other symptoms, other disease and causes must be investigated.

There are a number of triggers for urticaria including infection, food, medications, auto-immune conditions, bites and stings. There are can also be physical triggers like changes in temperature, pressure, exercise and even sunlight! However, in a large number of cases, the cause for this rash is never identified. Fortunately, it is typically short lived, lasting on and off for less than 6 weeks. Occasionally it may last longer than this. Treatment options include oral medications such as antihistamines and in rare cases injectable biologic options.

Make an appointment with your practitioner to discuss your concerns, Ph: (07) 5597 7170 or email reception@skincentre.com.au

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